deKay's Lofi Gaming

Lady Cruncher (PC)

Remember this? Well, I bought it today, as it was only a pound. It took a bit of convincing to run on my MacBook (under Parallels) as it kept flicking screen mode, but eventually I made it work. And OH MY, was it so not worth bothering. Here’s a brief review: Lady Cruncher is a Pac-Mania clone, only from the same camera angle as the Saturn game Bug! and stars a toilet/robot hybrid in drag. On each level you collect …

Cruncher in Mazeland (PC)

That’s right – not only did I buy the staggering game that is Lady Cruncher, I found next to it another game: Cruncher in Mazeland. You heard me. It’s a sequel! Here’s a quick review: Cruncher in Mazeland is a Pac-Mania clone, only from the same camera angle as the Saturn game Bug! and stars a toilet/robot hybrid in drag. On each level you collect balls, bananas or coconuts (instead of dots) and giant balls or apples (instead of power-pills) …

Assorted Xbox 360 Demos (360)

Caught up a bit tonight with some of the recent demos on the 360’s mrketplace. Frogger 2No. No no no. It’s like a horrible cute reimagining of Frogger, designed by a three year old. It’s horrible. And why on earth are there rotate button? And a bloody UFO?! And! The most irritating music and sound effect combo ever (especially when collecting lots of coins in one go – yes coins: why the hell does a frog need coins?). It’s all …

2007: A Year in Gaming – Epilogue

Phew, eh? That’s a lot of games. Overall, I’ve completed 61 this year, and played around 200 (if you include demos).¬¨‚Ć So what was best?¬¨‚Ć What was unexpected? Biggest Surprise Almost certainly Halo 3. I didn’t like the campaign mode (which I played a fair bit of in co-op – I actually completed it too, although didn’t play every chapter). The surprise was enjoying online multiplayer as much as I did. Team Fortress 2 is better, in my opinion (especially …

2007: A Year in Gaming – Part 1

So, the end of the year is nigh, and I thought I’d round up this year’s games. That is, the games I’ve played this year, rather than just those that have come out this year, although in most cases it’s the same thing. January The year started as 2006 ended – with Castlevania. Specifically, Circle of the Moon and Harmony of Dissonance on the GBA, supplemented by Super Castlevania IV for the Wii’s Virtual Console. There was also a lot …

Kameo: Elements of Power (360)

“What is this?” I hear you cry, “He’s bought Kameo? Even though he has publicly slated it on many occasions, and absolutely hated the demos?”. Yes, gentle reader, this is correct. In my defence, it was only £6.95 and I can’t resist a bargain, no matter how crap the item is (see Lady Cruncher). And I thought, it’s only fair to actually play the full game if I’m so hard on it. And oh, was I so right. OK. It …